Tsuzuki Rika Tweet causes anger between HKT48 and SKE48
After SKE48 Team S member Tsuzuki Rika had called all HKT48 members “ugly” on Twitter, the outrage on the part of HKT48 and their fans was great, so that she was forced to apologize to HK48. The outrage of HKT48 and SKE48 about the tweet is so big that the SKE48 talent agency Zest was forced to apologize to HKT48. As a consequence the Twitter and Instagram accounts of Tsuzuki Rika have been suspended until further notice. Also SKE48 member and manager Saito Makiko has posted an apology to HKE48 and the SKE48 fans on Twitter.
SKE48 Homepage / Zest Homepage
HKT48関係者、及びにファンの皆様へご迷惑お掛けしましたこと、嫌な思いをさせてしまったことをお詫び申し上げます。— 都築里佳 (@piyosuuuuu) April 22, 2020
https://t.co/sV59tF2bjq pic.twitter.com/WzPReQZPgl
— 斉藤真木子 (@saitomakiko_628) April 22, 2020