SKE48 celebrates 12th Anniversary with Festival
The Japanese idol group SKE48 celebrates its 12th anniversary on 5 October 2020. The members of the first generation gave their debut performance 12 years ago on 5 October 2008 at the SKE48 Theater in Nagoya. On this occasion, the group will give a three-day festival “SKE48 12th Anniversary Fes 2020” at Aichi Sky Expo from 3 to 5 October 2020. Planned are 12 performances in 30 hours.
SKE48 12th Anniversary Homepage
【 開 催 決 定 】
2020.10.3 〜 10.5 AICHI SKY EXPOSKE48 12th Anniversary Fes 2020
〜12公演一挙披露祭〜周年SKE48 #12公演一挙披露祭— SKE48 (@ske48official) September 1, 2020