NMB48 7th Generation Debut in reopened Theater
The Theater of the Japanese idol group NMB48 had to remain closed for weeks due to Corona and resumed restricted operations on 12 September 2020. The debut of the 7th generation of NMB48 was chosen as the performance for the reopening. 11 Kenkyuusei will form the new generation of NMB48.
12日(土)#こじりんの部屋 ~7期生お披露目~
【2列目】#芳野心咲、#隅野和奏、#黒田楓和、#早川夢菜、#瓶野神音、#折坂心春 pic.twitter.com/4GAaIEK7AX— NMB48 Official (@nmb48_official) September 12, 2020