Endo Sakura & Umezawa Minami are the Front and Back Cover Girls of "UP TO BOY"
Nogizaka4646 members Endo Sakura and Umezawa Minami are the front and back cover girls of the Japanese magazine “UP TO BOY” (Vol. 299, March 2021). This is the last issue before the 300th anniversary issue. Among other things, Nogizaka46 member Hori Miona appears with previously unpublished shots from her latest photobook and the editors ask, “Even if you graduate from Nogizaka46, don’t graduate from UP TO BOY yet!”.
1/22発売アップトゥボーイVol.299は26thシングル発売間近、#乃木坂46 大特集号で表紙は #付き合って1年のさくちゃん #遠藤さくら が巻頭25Pを独占。裏表紙&15Pグラビアで久々登場の #梅澤美波 は"花と虹"テーマで圧倒的美を追求。10Pグラビア #佐藤楓、好評連載 #伊藤理々杏、#堀未央奈 未公開写真も。 pic.twitter.com/JZMrXJrx0a
— 「アップトゥボーイ」編集部 (@wani_UTB) January 18, 2021