Wakatsuki Yumi releases 2nd Photobook in September
#若月佑美 – EX-Nogizaka46 member Wakatsuki Yumi has announced her second photobook on 27 June 2021 her 27th birthday. Four years after “Palette”, the new photobook will show all that she has learned in the past years as an actress and model. The photobook will be published by Shogakukan on 8 September 2021.
若月佑美、4年ぶり写真集は「自分も知らない自分を発見」大人の色香まとう水着カットも(写真 全3枚)https://t.co/hRmgNxAD1P
— ORICON NEWS(オリコンニュース) (@oricon) June 26, 2021