Lee Siyeon joins NMB48 as 7.5 Gen.
#NMB48, #李始燕 – NMB48 management introduced the newest member of the group on 14 August 2021. It is Korean Lee Siyeon, who had applied for NMB48 in 2020 before but could not participate in the final round due to the Covid-19 pandemic. She continued to hold on to her dream and continued to train on her own. The management has now rewarded her efforts and given her the status of Kenkyuusei as the 7.5 generation of NMB48. Her first appearance for NMB48 was on 14 August 2021 at the start of “NMB48 LIVE 2021 in Hatsu Natsu – HATSU NATSU! HATSU RATSU!” Concert with the solo “Yume wa Nigenai.”
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オープニングアクトにて…NMB48 7.5期生【李 始燕(イ シヨン)】がお披露目されました!!
NMB48の新たなメンバーとして、皆さまのご声援よろしくお願いします🤲#はつなつNMB #NMB48LIVE2021 https://t.co/S1i3pGF3jP pic.twitter.com/d0aNuyh9oC
— NMB48 Official (@nmb48_official) August 14, 2021