Tamura Mayu Cover Debut for "UP TO BOY"
#乃木坂46, #田村真佑 – Nogizaka46 4th Generation member Tamura Mayu makes her cover debut for the Japanese idol magazine “UP TO BOY” (Vol. 311 March 2022). The photos were taken under the theme of “group tradition and its new frontiers”. The magazine continues its tradition of highlighting the beauty of older Nogizaka46 members. Nogizaka46 member Sato Rika makes her debut for the back cover of the magazine. The magazine will be released on 21 January 2022 with a poster.
1/21発売アップトゥボーイVol.311は、#真佑だけを見ていて #乃木坂46 #田村真佑 が待望の月刊誌初表紙。凛とした佇まい、匂い立つような美しさ…23歳のファーストインパクトを体感せよ! 裏表紙は #プリンセスLica こと #佐藤璃果 お嬢様が本人初の裏表紙。ロンググラビア&インタビューの #佐藤楓 も。 pic.twitter.com/Us2MmF7ls9
— 「アップトゥボーイ」編集部 (@wani_UTB) January 14, 2022