Kyoccorohee Live Recording Announced.
#日向坂46, #齊藤京子 – After the successful live recording “LIVE Kyoccorohee 2022 Shoka” of its TV variety show “Kyoccorohee” with Hinatazaka46 member Saito Kyoko and Japanese comedienne Hiccorohee, Japanese TV station TV Asahi has announced another live recording “LIVE Kyoccorohee 2023 Haru – Jikaku to Sekinin no 5000 Seki.” Due to the great demand at the first time, this time they move to a larger hall and record in the 5000-seater Tokyo International Forum Hall A. It will be recorded and streamed live on 7 May 2023.
自覚と責任で #生キョコロヒー❣️
\キョコロヒー— キョコロヒー【テレ朝公式】 (@kyoccorohee) March 7, 2023