AKB48 Cover Girls of "BOMB!"
#AKB48, #小栗有以, #山内瑞葵, #佐藤綺星, #平田侑希, #山﨑空 – The five AKB48 members, Hirata Yuki, Yamazaki Sora, Sato Airi, Oguri Yui and Yamauchi Mizuki, are the cover girls of the Japanese idol magazine “BOMB!” (May 2023). All five are members of the senbatsu of AKB48’s upcoming 61st single “doushitemo kimi ga suki da.” In particular, the three AKB48 Kenkyuusei Hirata Yuki, Yamazaki Sora and Sato Airi make their debut as cover girls for “BOMB!” with this release. AKB48 member Omori Maho appears on the back cover. The magazine will be released with two posters on 7 April 2023.