HKT48 sees off Motomura Aoi to Private Life
#HKT48, #本村碧唯 – Japanese idol group HKT48 has said goodbye to its last founding member, Motomura Aoi. The graduation concert, “Motomura Aoi Graduation Concert – Yuiitsu Aoku Kagayaku Houseki,” was held just days after her graduation performance at the HKT48 Theater on 27 July 2023 at the Fukuoka Sun Plaza Hotel & Hall. Motomura Aoi will graduate from the stage after 12 years to open her own dance school for future idols.
HKT48 本村碧唯 卒業公演のご報告
約12年間、HKT48 本村碧唯へ温かいご声援をいただき、誠にありがとうございました。
— HKT48 (@hkt48_official_) July 23, 2023