"No Sleeves" announced 15th Anniversary Concert
#高橋みなみ #小嶋陽菜 #峯岸みなみ #ノースリーブス – Japanese idol group AKB48’s most popular sub-group “No Sleeves” (also known as “no3b”) is returning to the stage for a concert for their 15th anniversary. Although the three no3b members Takahashi Minami, Kojima Haruna and Minegishi Minami graduated from AKB48 a long time ago, the group never disbanded. The anniversary concert will be held at Zepp Haneda on 25 November 2023.
このあと正午よりticket board先行予約の受付がスタートします!
今回も抽選ですので、期間内にぜひお申込みください申込期間:09/12(火) 12:00〜09/27(水) 23:59
当落発表:09/30(土) 20:00予定https://t.co/TMwcXT7ZTc— ノースリーブス【まさかの公式】 (@no3b_15th) September 12, 2023