Category: Yokoyama Yui

Yokoyama Yui announced Graduation

#AKB48, #横山由依 – AKB48 Team A member and EX-Sokantouku Yokoyama Yui announced her graduation from the group on 12 September 2021 during the “MX Natsu Matsuri AKB48 2021 Saigo no Summer Party” performance. Her...

Official homepage of Yokoyama Yui renamed

The official website of AKB48 Team A member Yokoyama Yui has been renamed from “Yokoyama Yui mobile” to “YuiFan’s”. This was announced on her official Twitter account. Yokoyama Yui Homepage: 本日「横山由依mobile」が「YuiFan's」としてリニューアルオープンしました🎉 サイトデザインを一新し、新コンテンツもスタート🆕✨生まれ変わったサイトをお楽しみください🐣#ゆいはん からコメントムービーも届きましたので、ご覧ください🐈横山由依...